Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan
Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan dalam Bahasa Indonesia
12 November 2014
Kepada Yth :
Direktur Personalia
Direktur Personalia
PT. Maju Jaya
Jl. Magelang No. 45
Magelang, Jawa Tengah
Magelang, Jawa Tengah
Perihal : Lamaran kerja
Dengan Hormat,
Berdasarkan lowongan pekerjaan dari PT Maju Jaya, seperti yang dimuat di harian Suara Merdeka pada tanggal 12 November 2014, melalui surat lamaran ini saya ingin mengajukan diri untuk melamar pekerjaan di perusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin untuk mengisi posisi yang dibutuhkan saat ini, yaitu marketing. Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :
Faisal Nur Syamsu
tanggal lahir : Magelang, 25
Mei 1995
Jenis kelamin : Laki-laki
Pendidikan : SMA N 1 Grabag
Alamat : Jln. Bambang No. 8 RT/RW 09/006
No telepone : 085743349215
E-mail :
Jenis kelamin : Laki-laki
Pendidikan : SMA N 1 Grabag
Alamat : Jln. Bambang No. 8 RT/RW 09/006
No telepone : 085743349215
E-mail :
Untuk melengkapi beberapa data yang diperlukan sebagai bahan pertimbangan Bapak/Ibu pimpinan diwaktu yang akan datang, saya lampirkan juga kelengkapan data diri sebagai berikut :
1. Pas photo bewarna ukuran 3x4 dua lembar,
2. Foto copy KTP,
Daftar riwayat hidup,
4. Foto copy ijazah SMA,
5. Foto copy sertifikat kursus/pelatihan.
Demikian surat lamaran ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya dan atas perhatian serta kebijaksanaan Bapak/Ibu pimpinan saya mengucapkan terimakasih.
Hormat saya
4. Foto copy ijazah SMA,
5. Foto copy sertifikat kursus/pelatihan.
Demikian surat lamaran ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya dan atas perhatian serta kebijaksanaan Bapak/Ibu pimpinan saya mengucapkan terimakasih.
Hormat saya
Faisal Nur Syamsu
Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Magelang, November 12, 2014
the honorable :
Director of personal
Director of personal
PT. Maju Jaya
Jln. Magelang No. 45
Jln. Magelang No. 45
Central Java
Subject : Job application
With Regards,
Based on the job vacancies of PT Maju Jaya, as published in the newspaper Suara Merdeka on November 10, 2014, through this application letter I want had volunteered to apply for jobs at company that Mr/Mrs lead to fill position needed at this time, that is of marketing. I, the following :
Name : Faisal Nur Syamsu
Place, date of birth : Magelang, May 25, 1995
Gender : Male
Education : SMA N 1 Grabag
Address : Jln. Bambang No. 8 RT/RW 09/06
Phone numbers : 085743349215
E-mail :
To complete some of a data needed as a material consideration of Mr./Ms leader at a time when to come, I attach the completeness of personal data as well as the following :
1. Photograph colored two sheets of 3x4 size,
2. Copy of ID card,
3. Curriculum vitae,
4. Copy of a senior high school diploma,
5. Copy of certificate courses.
Thus I created this application letter with actually and for the attention and of wisdom Mr./Ms leader I say thank you.
My respect
Faisal Nur Syamsu
Subject : Job application
With Regards,
Based on the job vacancies of PT Maju Jaya, as published in the newspaper Suara Merdeka on November 10, 2014, through this application letter I want had volunteered to apply for jobs at company that Mr/Mrs lead to fill position needed at this time, that is of marketing. I, the following :
Name : Faisal Nur Syamsu
Place, date of birth : Magelang, May 25, 1995
Gender : Male
Education : SMA N 1 Grabag
Address : Jln. Bambang No. 8 RT/RW 09/06
Phone numbers : 085743349215
E-mail :
To complete some of a data needed as a material consideration of Mr./Ms leader at a time when to come, I attach the completeness of personal data as well as the following :
1. Photograph colored two sheets of 3x4 size,
2. Copy of ID card,
3. Curriculum vitae,
4. Copy of a senior high school diploma,
5. Copy of certificate courses.
Thus I created this application letter with actually and for the attention and of wisdom Mr./Ms leader I say thank you.
My respect
Faisal Nur Syamsu
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